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Mutual linking of the pages

It's possibile to create mutual links of the pages of the home page automatically. To this there is the button in the dialog for replacements: Titles as links. After pressing this button a replacement by a link is created for the titles of all pages of the website. I.e. there then is a row for every title in the substitution table. If the home page is then produced, everywhere, where the titles occur in the text, a link is produced to the according page. Links from a page to itself aren't created.

replacements should be a link
internal links however, is a bare text on this page.

If a title already is in the list of the search expressions at the insertion of the titles as links, the available entry is left as it is and no new is added. If new pages are added to the home page, after the internal links have been created once already, you can press the button for the creation of links again links are produced for the additional pages only.

The test, whether a title exists in the list of search expressions is case insensitive. So, if the title is capitalized and the search expression not, it will not be tried to insert the title again.

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